+7 904762 1095


Fateful weddings "Wedding-VIP"

We create unique wedding events around the world since 2004

12 representatives in major European and Russian capitals

Our weddings are deservedly awarded with the highest awards at international competitions

The most talented, qualified specialists of the CIS are working in our team

Our work is best explained through our weddings themselves

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About Us

Good afternoon!

I am - Daria Bikbaeva - founder and owner of the fateful weddings agency "Wedding VIP". The uniqueness of my team and each of the weddings we created is that the more complex the task, the more interesting the project for us.


The ideal time of preparation

Does not exist - the minimum in our experience is 3 days, maximum is 3 years.



Also not an obstacle. Often, during the preparation we see Honeymooners only 1 time, everything else is a huge work of a talented team from all over the world + online chat. Every wedding we have created is special! Why? Because we carefully study the couple, guests, family, cultural traditions, the main goals of the wedding, etc. We are preparing surprises from the closest people at absolutely every wedding, even if the wedding is organized in 3 days.


Emotional Directing

This is the basis of our projects. We do not offer a list of artists, we are drawing the emotional picture. Guests of our weddings are afraid to go to the restroom, not to miss something very important.


National wedding

Our great love - Armenians, Greeks, Tatars, Jews, Ukrainians and many others trust us organizing this important day. Each time it is a study of ancestral traditions in combination with the latest trends.


Soft (non-alcohol) wedding

It is also not uncommon in our agency. They are usually the most fun!


The greatest pride of the agency - is its people.

We have more than 500! I travelled through all the major cities of the CIS more than once to find unique talents who are creating masterpieces. Directors, confectioners, composers, stylists, designers, photographers, videographers, and representatives of different professions gathering together each time for the sake of creativity on a new love story!


Wedding for us 

It is primarily a day that unites two families into one big and completely new one. This is a great transformation, which is not easy to get through. Our task - to make preparations and the wedding day magical for each participant. It's difficult, but is always very interesting!


Something about me:

 Daria Bikbaeva

Instagram: @dariabikbaeva

Provocateur of business creativity & Wedding expert
The founder of the Fatefull weddings agency «Wedding-VIP» www.wedding-vip.ru
The organizer of significant events on the CIS wedding market
Speaker of the largest wedding conference in CIS
The award-winning tutor in wedding and creative business
The only speaker from Russia at the world congress of wedding planners - Greece 2014, Mauritius 2015
Member of the jury at the main wedding awards in CIS
Author of "Turn on the heart and brains" book for creative business and "Wedding Organizer # 1"
Founder of creative schools in Europe
Mother of three sons

Call:  +7 904762 1095, +7(843)2653663
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Instagram: http://instagram.com/Wedding_Vip

See you soon!
Daria Bikbaeva